Gloucestershire Basket Ball Association  











GBL Rules




Meeting Minutes



Old News

Past Winners



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GBL Match Result

241 Worcester Bears 63 - 80 Cheltenham Hawks

Player & Officials Registration

To all club admins and officials,

Please can you make sure your club has attached each team within it to the Gloucestershire area.

You can do this by clicking on ‘Manage Team’, then ‘Team Settings’ and selecting the area from the drop-down list under ‘Affiliated League’.

Also, please make sure you have all your players to teams using the 'Manage Team' option.

Officials also need to attach themselves to the Gloucestershire area when they add their officiating licence or through the option under the ‘My Profile’ tab ...

GBL Match Result

108 Gloucester Knights 82 - 33 Malvern Mavericks

Gloucester Queens

Gloucester Queens are playing Cardiff Met Archers on Saturday 2nd October @ 19:30.

To find out more information, and book your tickets online, visit

Use promo code GBBA to get your tickets for £3.00.

GBL Re-Arranged Match

137 Hawks v Mavericks, will now be played on Thursday 25th November, 2021

GBL Match Result

107 Warriors 63 - 41 Stroud Sharks

GBL Match Result

105 Worcester Cyclones 73 - 72 Cheltenham Hawks

GBL Re-Arranged Match

241 Bears v Hawks, will now be played on Wednesday 29th September, 2021

GBL Match Results

245 Worcester Bears 75 - 64 Malvern Mavericks

106 Cheltenham Falcons 35 - 71 Cheltenham Eagles

GBL Re-Arranged Matches

118 Eagles v Hawks, will now be played on Thursday 21st October, 2021

138 Sharks v Eagles, will now be played on Friday 26th November, 2021

GBL Match Results

102 Stroud Sharks 51 - 74 Worcester Bears

104 Gloucester Knights 83 - 26 Cheltenham Falcons

GBL Re-Arranged Match

139 Warriors v Eagles, will now be played on Saturday 27th November, 2021

GBL Match Result

103 Malvern Mavericks 56 - 61 Worcester Cyclones

GBL Match Result

101 Cheltenham Hawks 62 - 66 Warriors

Change Of Details

Please note that the UoG Raiders have changed their home night to a Thursday.

GBL Re-Arranged Match

245 Bears v Mavericks, will now be played on Wednesday 22nd September, 2021

Change of Venue

Please note that Worcester Cyclones will play their home matches at Bishop Perowne School, Merrimans Hill Road, Worcester. WR3 8LE.

Pre Season Referee Seminar - UPDATE #2

At present there is no pre-season seminar planed. I will organise a get together in October. Any questions about the new rules please contact me.

If you have been watching social media, you should be aware that there is a game at the University Arena, 2pm tip, on Saturday 11th September between Gloucester City Queens and Reading Rockets. This game is to celebrate the life of our greatly missed friend Joe Grainger. It would be wonderful if the whole Gloucestershire basketball family came together for this very moving event.

Entry into the game is only £3.

Ian Greaves
League Secretary

Pre Season Referee Seminar - UPDATE

Please note that the date of this event has changed to Saturday 11st September @ 2pm.

Grainger Cup

The scheduled game between Gloucester City Queens and Worcester Wolves, due to be played on Sunday 12th September had been called off.

Grainger Cup - Update

Gloucester City Queens will now play Reading for the Grainger Cup.

The match will take place @ 2pm on Saturday 11th September at the University Sports Arena, Plock Court, Tewkesbury Road, Gloucester, GL2 9DW.

All spectators are welcome.

Team List

Gloucester Old Spots
Gloucester Warriors
Leadonites Basketball
Malvern Mavericks
Stroud Blue Sharks
Stroud Tiger Sharks
Stroud White Sharks
UoG Raiders
Worcester Bears
Worcester Cyclones
YMCA Eagles
YMCA Falcons
YMCA Hawks
YMCA Westside Wings