Gloucestershire Basket Ball Association  











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Level 2 Referee Course

When: Sunday 1 September & Sunday 8 September

Times: 09:00 - 17:00

Where: Cirencester Deer Park School, Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 1XB

Tutor: Paul Christensen

Cost: £100, including resources, assessment and certification.

This is the level of award for officiating at local league, and EBL age group standard. The course is mainly practical. We aim to develop the skills and confidence required to accept full responsibility for officiating a game. Candidates will be expected to undertake home study of the rules.

Initial assessment is by satisfactory attendance and contribution to the course, a theory examination paper and practical refereeing on the final day. Subsequently, candidates who complete these elements successfully, will be assessed by a senior official/observer on three full games.

There is a maximum of 20 candidates, and places will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis as course fees are paid.

For full details, and an application form, visit the COURSES page, or click here.

Level 2 Coaching Course

When: Saturday 14 September / Sunday 15 September

Times: 09:00 - 17:00

Sunday 6 October / Sunday 20 October

Times: T.B.A.

Where: GL1 Leisure Centre, Bruton Way, Gloucester GL1 1DT

Tutor: Paul Christensen, England Basketball Senior Coach

Cost: £120, including resources, assessment and certification.

This is the first level of award in coaching basketball for working with players without supervision. It qualifies coaches to work in schools and clubs, and to coach teams up to England Basketball League level.

The course is mainly practical and will provide opportunities for those with limited playing experience to improve their skills. We aim to develop the skills and confidence required to lead a club or school basketball programme. Delivery of the sessions will take the current strengths of the candidates (for example, players, teachers, coaches of another sport) into account.

Assessment is by satisfactory contribution to the course, small group coaching assignments, a theory examination paper on the final day, completion of logbook exercises and a record of training and games coached. It is anticipated that most candidates will complete these between the two weekends of the course.

The minimum age for Level 2 certification is 18. However, younger candidates may take the course and, if the required standard is reached, the certificate can be issued later.

A minimum number of 12 candidates is required for the course to be viable. There is a maximum of 20, and places will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis as course fees are paid.

For full details, and an application form, visit the COURSES page, or click here.

Summer Games

The Warriors are looking for teams to play practice games with during the summer break.

They have a venue available every Saturday, from 18.00.

If interested, please drop Wojciech an email.

Referees Course

As discussed at the AGM, a number of teams will need to get referees trained in order to comply with the league rules, requiring each team to provide two officials.

The GBBA intend to run an appropriate course at the beginning of September. If your team does not already have two referees, you are required to apply and pay for places on the course, with your league entry.

For trainee referees attached to GBBA teams, the course fee will include:

  • a referee shirt
  • an observer at one of the three assessed games after the course.

There is a maximum number of places available on the course, so I would suggest that you make applications for your team as soon as possible.

Please note that there is a possibility that the location of the course will be Gloucester, rather than Cirencester.

Course details will be posted on-line tomorrow.

Team List

Gloucester Old Spots
Gloucester Warriors
Leadonites Basketball
Malvern Mavericks
Stroud Blue Sharks
Stroud Tiger Sharks
Stroud White Sharks
UoG Raiders
Worcester Bears
Worcester Cyclones
YMCA Eagles
YMCA Falcons
YMCA Hawks
YMCA Westside Wings