Gloucestershire Basket Ball Association  











GBL Rules




Meeting Minutes



Old News

Past Winners



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League Update

Dear All,

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

I apologise for the delay in bringing you up to speed. As all this hit I was required to undertake a rather demanding work project which ended just before Easter, after which I decided to enjoy the break.

So as editor in chief ( it would appear), I shall now attempt to bring you up to speed.

As the lockdown began I had a discussion with our regional development officer who had viewed our website and results. From that discussion several suggestions were put to the committee for consultation via email.

There then followed two days of debate and deliberation after which we failed to reach a unanimous decision, however a consensus had been reached.

Immediately following that, BE announced how they proposed to deal with concluding the NL competitions. This then reopened the discussion.

Two committee members independently followed the formula used by BE and as a result it is the decision of the GBBA that the winners of the League competition for season 2019/20, by one point, are team PUMAS.

We congratulate Pumas on their achievement, and thank the three other teams competing for the title, for their performance throughout what was proving to be a very competitive season.

Clearly medals etc will need to be presented at some point once we are able to organise ordering and delivery.

In terms of the Cup Competition no decision has been taken as to whether to roll it on or close it off and start again next season. That decision will be made once there is clarity in respect of the lockdown and being allowed to play again.

In making decisions around whether we run a preseason Cup Final we will take into account responses to the recent request Dave sent out to secretaries asking for them to ensure their players were linked to a team on the BE portal. This as he stated, directly affects our income and therefore our ability to run events.

In the meantime we have offered to provide £1,000 of the monies collected to date from the Charity pot to What Makes you Different.Makes you Beautiful. The remainder will be held over to next season for Cots for Tots.


Clearly is not going to happen.

Committee members have agreed to remain and continue with their current role responsibilities. I will take back administration in addition to the Chair role.

Jenny will continue to support events and act as secretary to the meetings.

Jenny and Cass have agreed to support Joe with schools competitions.

Penalties due to the point the season ceased, will be issued and due for payment. We will then close the books at the end of May.

Cass will do a financial report and once approved by the committee will publish.

I propose to add two rules, one relating to team/player suspensions , to make clear that where monies are owed the suspension remains in place year on year until monies owed are paid( BE) and who will be informed.

The other to cover how we will close a season should events such as these occur again.

I do not propose to alter any other rule as we will not have the opportunity to sit, as we did last year, and discuss.

When we have timescales Ian will set out proposals for the format of season 20/21, followed by league entry forms.

There is a possibility of two new teams entering next season and to my knowledge we loose Warriors B from the cup competition.

If anyone knows of any further likely gains or losses either in teams or officials can you please advise.

League entry fees will be looked at in light of three things:

a)The early cessation of this season

b)The response of teams re the BE portal request and therefore our income from that source.

c)Teams from outside the area whose registration contribution is not directed back into the GBBA via the funding formula.

Funding for courses will be reviewed once our BE income is known however, the two coaching and one table official course agreed this season will continue to be funded once those courses are available.

We end this season in very strange circumstances but I would like to thank you all on behalf of the committee for your contribution and sportsmanship this season and look forward to seeing you all safe and well in the not too distant future.

And for those using Facebook as a way of keeping everyone’s mind on the ball WELL DONE..........

Now it’s back to my garden book and shielding!

Stay Safe


Reminder - Streaming Information

Please be aware that matches held at Hartpury College are streamed onto Facebook using the analysis cameras in the sports hall.

You can find the stream on the following Facebook Page:

This is uploaded for the enjoyment of family & friends of our players who are not able to attend the match; whilst it can also be used for analysis by our players.

There will be an area for spectators to sit which is not picked up by the camera should they wish.

If you need to discuss anything regarding the streaming of matches as either a player, referee or, spectators please contact

Team List

Gloucester Old Spots
Gloucester Warriors
Leadonites Basketball
Malvern Mavericks
Stroud Blue Sharks
Stroud Tiger Sharks
Stroud White Sharks
UoG Raiders
Worcester Bears
Worcester Cyclones
YMCA Eagles
YMCA Falcons
YMCA Hawks
YMCA Westside Wings