Gloucestershire Basket Ball Association  











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Match Results

363 Pumas 95 - 30 Dursley Pride

360 Dursley Pride 65 - 82 Cirencester College Jets

Fixture Correction

Saturday April 4 311 Cirencester College Jets 2 -v- Kings of Worcester 2. Originally listed as starting at 20:15, the match will in fact start at 17:00.

Re-Arranged Matches

356 Blazers -v- Kings, originally due to be played April 15th, has been re-arranged for Wednesday April 29th.

352 Jets 2 -v- Kings 2, will now be played on April 24th.

Forfeited Matches

Thusday March 12th 344 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 20 - 0 Dursley Pride

Wednesday April 1st 312 Cirencester College Jets 20 - 0 Dursley Pride

Match Result

361 Cirencester College Jets 2 51 - 39 Cougars

Match Results

359 YMCA Eagles 67 - 51 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats

357 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2 54 - 96 Kings of Worcester 2

End of Season

To prevent the season from dragging on too long, a cut-off date of Thursday April 30th has been set.

Any matches not played on or before this date, will be recorded as a 20-0 loss for the team causing the postponement.

Postponed Match

Sunday March 29 362 Cirencester College Jets P - P Hereford Mavericks

Match Result

351 Dursley Pride 48 - 53 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats

Forfeited Matches

( Plate Competition Semi-Final )

253 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2 0 - 20 Kings of Worcester

( League matches )

316 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2 0 - 20 Kings of Worcester 2

366 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2 0 - 20 Cirencester College Jets 2

347 Cirencester College Jets 2 20 - 0 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2

Change of Venue

Pumas have had to change the venue of match number 363 (Pumas -v- Pride), due to be played this Sunday, to ...

The Crypt School, Podsmead Road, Gloucester. GL2 5AE

Tip-Off time remain the same at 19:30.

Plate Semi-Final Result

252 YMCA Hawks 82 - 89 Cougars

Match Results

349 YMCA Hawks 66 - 67 Gloucester Blazers

353 Cirencester College Jets 49 - 59 YMCA Eagles

354 Cougars 61 - 41 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2

355 Pumas 67 - 50 Hereford Mavericks

Re-arranged Matches

312 Jets -v- Pride, originally postponed due to the bad weather, has been re-arranged for Wednesday April 1st.

311 Jets 2 -v- Kings 2, also postponed because of the weather, has been re-arranged for Saturday April 4th.

Match Result

327 Gloucester Blazers 74 - 66 Kings of Worcester

Match Results

348 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 68 - 58 Cirencester College Jets

350 Tornadoes 67 - 53 Kings of Worcester

Cup Semi-Final Results

250 Cirencester College Jets 69 - 58 YMCA Eagles

251 Pumas 65 - 66 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats

Postponed Match

Sun March 22 - 352 Cirencester College Jets 2 P - P Kings of Worcester 2

Match Result

346 Hereford Mavericks 74 - 56 Dursley Pride

Cup Semi Finals

The schedule for Wednesdays semi-finals will be ...

19:00 250 Jets -v- Eagles

20:30 251 Pumas -v- Wildcats

Match Result

345 YMCA Eagles 53 - 54 Pumas

Postponed Match

347 Cirencester College Jets 2 P - P University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2

Match Results

342 Gloucester Blazers 83 - 49 YMCA Hawks

343 Kings of Worcester 2 77 - 47 Cougars

323 Tornadoes 57 - 77 Kings of Worcester

Re-arranged Match

307 Wildcats -v- Pumas, originally scheduled for March 26th, has been re-arranged for April 16th.

Clubmark Courses

In Southampton, on the 5th April, Bev Guymon from England Basketball will be running a course for basketball Clubs only, who may be looking to get people on these courses for their Clubmark application.

3 hours "Child protection" 9:30 – 12:30

3 hours "Equity in your Coaching" 13:15 - 16:00

If any GBBA clubs would like to attend either course please get in touch with Bev on 07904 029089 or to register their interest.

Match Result

340 Cirencester College Jets 2 64 - 42 Cougars

Postponed Match

344 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats P - P Dursley Pride

Match Result

341 Cirencester College Jets 46 - 65 Pumas

Change of Venue

Hereford Mavericks final home match of the season, 346 Mavericks -v- Pride, due to be played this Sunday, will be held at ...

Whitecross Sports College

Three Elms Road



Starting at 13:15.

Match Results

334 Gloucester Blazers 57 - 75 Tornadoes

339 Hereford Mavericks 67 - 56 YMCA Eagles

Match Results

336 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 41 - 42 YMCA Eagles

337 YMCA Hawks 59 - 66 Kings of Worcester

338 Dursley Pride 61 - 64 Pumas

Postponed Match

335 Kings of Worcester 2 P - P University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2

Forfeited Match

335 Kings of Worcester 2 20 - 0 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats 2

Change of Tip Time

Dursley Pride have changed the tip time of their remaining home matches from 20:00 to 20:20 with immediate effect.

Match Result

331 Dursley Pride 54 - 78 YMCA Eagles

Match Results

332 Pumas 50 - 56 University of Gloucestershire Wildcats

333 Hereford Mavericks 77 - 53 Cirencester College Jets

Re-arranged Match

327 Blazers -v- Kings, has been re-scheduled for 18th March.

Match Result

326 Cougars 41 - 79 Kings of Worcester 2

Team List

Gloucester Old Spots
Gloucester Warriors
Leadonites Basketball
Malvern Mavericks
Stroud Blue Sharks
Stroud Tiger Sharks
Stroud White Sharks
UoG Raiders
Worcester Bears
Worcester Cyclones
YMCA Eagles
YMCA Falcons
YMCA Hawks
YMCA Westside Wings